On so many levels "Fred The Accountant" shares his story in the book with much to be learned from it. Harry Brick, sober in June of 1938, shares many of the obvious items we need to know once getting sober and journeying through the 12 Steps. His placement in the book is not a mere illustration but rather more instruction. It is a furtherance of the most of the information shared with us from the front cover as well as being the bridge between two pivotal chapters in the Big Book.
The idea that self-knowledge will not keep us sober. The idea that our mind while under the malaise of the obsession has not enough power to keep us away from the first drink. The idea that we suffer from the delusion that we can manage our drinking and problem(s). The idea that our reality is the only right one and that others are wrong.
Yet in his space within our book we are given further information on how to conduct ourselves while working with others. Why we might even be given the opportunity to grin while our prospect is enjoying his sally.
His greatest triumph is sharing what many of us have come to believe - "the discovery that spiritual principles would solve all my problems." What a ten strike! Sorry, couldn't resist!
The word discovery infers that we are going to be looking for something. For some it is just another day of sobriety. For many it will be more. This "m
ore" might be equal to the level of desperation one is experiencing when approached, or making the approach to the 12 Steps (and God). There is no doubt that the 12 Steps are a roadmap as we trudge the road of happy destiny. It's the discovery of our New Found Friend or deepening faith as a result of the work that allows to understand what Fred was speaking of. The idea that once we let go absolutely our pr
oblem dissolves. The illusion(s), the delusion(s), the obsession(s). Gone. Poof! Taken away.
Fred used the word "problems." Not just the drink problem. He said "all." Not just the drink problem.
What really makes sense, what really added up for the accountant, was the idea that once faith is fully restored and a reconnection is had with a Power greater than ourselves there can hardly be a problem. Once restored to sanity the alcoholic mind comes to believe in Something that is indeed All Powerful and abandons the need to play God and wants to play its part in being an agent. By his testimony he couldn't even go back to his old way of life, thinking.
How did he get there? How do many of us get there? We took the steps and followed direction.
Once a spiritual awakening, experience, is had this all adds up for us like it did for Fred and so many others.